Arin’s Experience

Arin Mizouri
S2DS Alumni Summer 2023

From Discovery to Completion: My Journey with S2DS

I stumbled upon S2DS while searching online for avenues into data science. Initially, I wasn't sure what to expect: whether we would watch hours of lectures or not, but the programme got down to business right from day one! This was a welcome discovery! Learning through doing is best and most effective.

Pivigo did an excellent job of making us feel like practising data scientists, placing us in a genuine project setting with a real client. This hands-on approach was incredibly motivating; it was like being thrown into the deep end but equipped with the tools to swim.

In summary, S2DS provided a concise yet impactful five-week data science project with collaborative remote teamwork.

Teamwork: Essential but Not Without Its Challenges

Though seasoned in research collaborations and academic partnerships, I quickly learned that working on a shared codebase remotely is an entirely different ballgame. GitHub (which was completely new for me at the time) was instrumental in this aspect, serving as an excellent platform for collaboration.

The team's flat structure was a refreshing change from the hierarchical dynamics in academia. The diversity among my teammates naturally led to people taking the initiative and tackling tasks without a designated leader. Everyone's contributions were valued, irrespective of their skill level or seniority.

A Fully Functioning Project in Just Five Weeks? Absolutely!

When you have six intelligent scientists working harmoniously, it's possible to develop a fully functioning Graphical User Interface (GUI) that meets client requirements! The pace was fast, yet manageable, and support was always available. This came from team members, tech mentors, and even participants from other teams. No question was considered 'silly,' and the overall atmosphere was one of unified, synchronised effort.

Building Confidence Through Practice, Supported by Expertise

Even before starting the programme, I realised that my academic skills were transferable to data science. However, it was the hands-on experience of working as part of a data science team that truly built my confidence. Though I was ready to fully engage in the project, having two seasoned tech mentors on hand provided that extra layer of assurance. These established data scientists were available to tackle technical issues and answer questions, reinforcing my confidence to rely on both my own abilities and the collective strength of my team.

What I Wish I'd Known Earlier

Firstly, I was already a data scientist. Secondly, S2DS is more than a training programme; it's a vibrant, ongoing community of professionals committed to mutual growth, offering sustained support even after the course concludes.

My only regret is not discovering this invaluable opportunity earlier and hesitating to apply. If you're wavering due to perceived skill gaps or imposter syndrome, cast those doubts aside. You already possess the potential.

So, is S2DS worth it? In a word: Absolutely. In a few more: Don't just consider it—do it.


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